
Transfiguration and devotion (English version)

Bethany • 4. August 2020
The Bethany Hour (“Bethanien-Stunde”) on Priests' Thursday is a highlight every month for the Friends of Bethany. In August of this year 2020, it stands out three times over from the series of adoration hours.

First highlight: Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

All Christians celebrate this feast. It has a special significance for the Eastern Church because of the mysterious connection between the light-filled transformation of Jesus and the uncreated light ("Light from the Light").

In a radio address (on August 6th, 2011) Father Michael Schneider points out another important aspect of this feast:

"All synoptics report the Transfiguration of the Lord on Mount Tabor, and that as the decisive moment, indeed the climax as well as the turning point on the life path of Jesus, namely after Peter's confession of the Messiah and before the beginning of his way to Jerusalem, "where everything was to be fulfilled". Fidelity in the biblical tradition indicates that this must be a real event in the life of Jesus, which is central to faith. But the disciples had a hard time with the event of the Transfiguration: Peter "did not know what to say, for they were dazed with fear", and Luke makes the disciples wake up from their sleep, similar to what will happen later with the Mount of Olives. The event of Mount Tabor is probably one of the most mysterious mysteries of the life of Jesus. Its meaning only becomes clear when - as in Baptism - the Heavenly Father speaks and the great prophets of the Old Covenant appear, which is only the case on this occasion at Tabor.”

Second highlight: Act of adoration and devotion to Infinite Love by Claret de la Touche on Sacred Heart Friday 125 years ago

Claret de la Touche, the messenger of Infinite Love, did not make much fuss about her person and her path in her short life. Only out of obedience to the instructions of her spiritual companions she wrote down an outline of her life.

From the records we know that Claret de la Touche performed her act of adoration and devotion to Infinite Love on Sacred Friday of the year 1895 (August 2nd, 1895). She herself remarks on this:

"The voluntary act of devotion does not give God new rights over his creature, but it does give him greater freedom to act in him. One must therefore be ready for everything and look to God in every event."

Third highlight: Act of Adoration and Devotion to the Infinite Love by Father Rodger

Infinite Love continues to work in the hearts today. We get to know about it through inquiries via the contact form on our website, through electronic mail or through the "snail mail" ;-) We are very happy about this feedback.

A very special joy for the Friends of Bethany is the contact of Father Rodger. With his permission, we may announce here that on the Feast of Transfiguration he will perform the act of adoration and devotion and join the Priest-Union in the Work of Infinite Love.

For this important step he asks the Friends of Bethany to accompany him in prayer:

"Your prayers on August 6th are most deeply appreciated. "Total self-gift" and "Abandonment" are very serious pledges and I welcome the support and aid of prayers."

We are happy to include his request in the worship hour on Priest Thursday, August 6th, 2020.

Here the Friendly Reminder for the Bethany Hour in August 2020

Bethany Hour on Priests´ Thursday - this time especially for the act of adoration and devotion of Father Rodger

August 6th, 2020 (Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord – Priests´ Thursday) from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. (if possible, otherwise at a different time)

with a local worship community (IRL)
with a virtual worship community (online)

with the worship suggestion of the Friends of Bethany (download on the homepage under "Save the date!" by clicking on the button "Bethanien-Stunde", print it twice - once for your own worship, once for sharing...)

How to continue:
to spread the Bethany Atmosphere in everyday life through prayer and action, in order to support and promote priests and priestly vocations.

With whom:
with Jesus, who instructs us: "Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers for his harvest" (Matthew 9:38)

Credits for translation to
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